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The Best Essential Oil for Acne Scars

When investigating the best essential oil for acne scars you will need to consider a few things first:

  • Has your skin fully recovered from acne? 
  • Do you still have breakouts?
  • Is your skin sensitive?
  • How long have the scars been present? Years? Months?

Essential oils have many properties that are useful for scars (on any part of the body) one of them being skin regenerating.

I only use pure, chemical free, therapeutic grade Young Living Essential Oils. This means there are no additives from seed to seal. The seed is planted in soil that has never been touched by pesticides, herbicides or other chemicals and it stays that way right from growing, distilling and through to the sealing process. If would like to have the BEST essential oils that have worked wonders on my skin check out my store.

My favourite essential oil for acne scars would be myrrh essential oil. It is a viscous oil so it creates a "barrier" to the skin. 

There are others that are in my "Oils for Great Skin." They are:

The best way I have found to use is a few drops neat on the skin. I apply as often as I remember to or at least every night.  I rotate these and use one essential oil for acne scars from the above list every night.

If you apply consistently, you should see results in a few weeks to months.

Essential oils are different to vegetable or carrier oil. The molecules of essential oil are small enough to penetrate the skin layers directly. Once a carrier oil or emolient is added it creates a barrier on top of the skin as the molecules are too large to penetrate through the skin layer.

BEWARE: Do NOT use any moisturisers, creams or lotions that contain petrochemicals as these can react with the essential oils (essential oils break down petrochemicals so they are great cleansers but can cause detox reactions). Plus petrochemicals are made from petrol!! (eg mineral oil) They are full of chemicals that may be dangerous to your skin.

Nature has given us all the gifts we need to hep ourselves.

Choose essential oils. Choose life.


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