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Essential Oils For Wrinkles -
Reverse Aging!

Essential oils are perfectly suited to human skin, so it makes sense to use essential oils for wrinkles. Imagine if it could reverse aging!

I am in my fifties and admit that I am obsessed with looking young! I am told often..."You don't look like you have a thirty something year old child!" I believe it is because I complete an essential oil routine every day.

See my video below for an easy essential oils for wrinkles recipe.

See my video below for an easy essential oils for wrinkles recipe.

I suffered from adult acne and I used a "natural" well known branded product for many years. My skin improved a lot during this time. I started using essential oil for acne scars and acne. My skin is no longer red and inflamed. It glows and it feels good. Even as I age, my skin is hydrated and soft. Just in case you are wondering the photo of my husband and I was taken on my fortieth birthday. We were on a river cruise, on holidays in Prague.

Jen and Wei

...and here is a pic of us now. We love to get outside with our dogs and enjoy life to the fullest.

My Daily Routine

essential oils for acne

Everyone has heard of cleanse, tone and moisturise. I believe by adding essential oils to this routine I take my anti-aging routine to a whole new level. And of course, I get the added benefit of improving my mood, smelling great and feeling good!

I complete these six steps every morning for wonderful, young, clear skin.

  • Cleanse
  • Add essential oils for wrinkles
  • Exfoliate
  • Moisturise
  • Look after your eyes!

Firstly, I use a high quality cleanser infused with therapeutic grade essential oils.

Step Two - My SecretWeapon

essential oil for anti-aging

You need a 50mL glass amber bottle with a dripolator. Place a blend of 20 drops of therapeutic grade essential oil in the bottle. Fill with filtered water. Shake to mix.

The oils will settle once you leave the bottle for a while, so each time before you use it, shake the bottle to mix.

Place five to ten drops of the mix on a wet face washer. Place the washer over the face and press gently. Do this all over the face and neck for a few minutes.

The essential oils for wrinkles penetrate the skin as the molecules are small enough to so this. Choose oils with regenerative properties. That's the secret.

The third step is to use a high quality facial scrub, infused with therapeutic grade essential oils to exfoliate. I use a peppermint infused facial scrub. The exfoliant is jojoba beads. Gentle and pure. It is invigorating, cooling and of course, peppermint essential oil softens skin too.

Next is tone. I never use a toner with alcohol in it. Because of my acne, alcohol irritates and inflames my skin. It dries it out. My toner has frankincense and lemon essential oil as the base.

Essential oil moisturiser

Step five - moisturise! My moisturiser has sandalwood therapeutic grade essential oil added to it and it is totally natural. Watch out for sorbolene or glycerine in moisturisers, as they are actually drying to the skin (they are petroleum based).

Lastly look after your eyes. In every sense of the word. Use some essential oils around the eyes, being careful not to go too close or get oils into the eyes. A friend of mine who used frankincense around her eyes, says it has not only worked on her skin, but she was able to read more clearly just after a few days of using the oil!

Watch this video for an easy essential oil recipe using my favourite essential oils.

Essential oils are an important part of my routine for staying young. Mix with pure, organic coconut oil for a beautiful blend and a natural, anti-wrinkle serum.

I wouldn't take the risk of using anything else except
therapeutic grade essential oils on my skin.

Check out My Store to read more about therapeutic grade essential oils.

My Favourite Essential Oils For Wrinkles

Essential oils for wrinkles

Choose any from the list below to add to exisiting facial products or I use one or two drops at night neat. These essential oils for wrinkles all have skin regeneration properties and are tonics to the skin. Smells great, feels great and can work all night long!

PS. These are in order of "most favourite" to "close to most favourite!" I don't have a least favourite!

  • frankincense essential oil
  • myrrh essential oil
  • rose essential oil
  • lavender essential oil
  • patchouli essential oil
  • sandalwood essential oil
  • spikenard essential oil
  • rosewood essential oil
  • clary sage essential oil

Now you know the secret to reverse aging. Use it wisely. Respect your skin and yourself. My book, An Aromatic Life has a dedicated chapter called "Goddess Beauty and Body Care with full essential oil recipes and natural, staying young secrets.

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