Is there an essential oil combination that would smell something like suntan oil? Thank you so much!
ANSWER: Hi Liz thanks for your question. lol I am wondering which suntan oil you mean, but I am guess you mean the strong coconut scented suntan oil?
Interestingly, the coconut scented oils are just that - scented with synthetic fragrances, which may be toxic to your health.
The natural, pure way is so much better for you and also your skin.
For a natural suntan oil, I mix the following:
Pure, raw, virgin coconut oil
Helichrysum essential oil
Myrrh essential oil
Please be aware that in hot sun, in the middle of the day the best protection is to stay completely out of the sun. While each of the ingredients has a natural SPF (Sun Protection Factor), it is very low and will not protect you from burning.
You can also add some lavender essential oil to give it a lovely scent.
Of course, I only use and recommend Young Living Essential Oils. *These products are only available from Young Living Essential Oils. Please visit my store for more information.
Hi I am Jen Gallagher and I love to create natural perfume fragrances like expensive french perfume, without all the nasty toxins. You can create gorgeous fragrance with benefits and be a goddess!