Stuffy Nose From Allergies. Is There An Essential Oil?
What oil is good for allergies? I have allergic rhinitis. I am on allergy shots. This time of year is bad for me.
ANSWER: Hi and thanks for your question. Firstly, please follow a good professional health practitioner's advice at all times. This information is of a general nature only.
You may be experiencing some of the following allergy symptoms:
Watery, red, itchy eyes
Runny nose
Some essential oils for allergies that may support the above symptoms are:
As always, I only use and recommend Young Living Essential Oils, as they are guaranteed for their purity. All these essential oils (and more) are available from My Store.
Hi I am Jen Gallagher and I love to create natural perfume fragrances like expensive french perfume, without all the nasty toxins. You can create gorgeous fragrance with benefits and be a goddess!
Hi Jen Is it wintergreen one uses to lower blood pressure Thanks Hilda Admin Answer from Jen: Wintergreen is not commonly used to lower blood pressure.
I made this recipe to relieve tension headaches and sore, knotty muscles. It works so well, and smells fabulous too! Just add 10 drops Lavender, 10 drops